维新噩梦工厂 – 催眠疗法

催眠疗法 is an album by 维新噩梦工厂 released on 首都 TAPES INC. in 2015. This is a vaporwave concept album about advertising and a therapy session, make sure to read the story of the album on the Bandcamp page before listening to understand it better.

The album is made up of assumingly mostly Chinese music and commercials. The manipulation of the samples on this album is interesting and different. It loops a lot and the pitch changes around a lot. Lots of the time it’s just the pitch being changed, so it’s not exactly screwed all the way. Some samples do sound slowed down though. I mentioned that this uses commercials earlier but it does not have a fuji grid tv sound. The majority of the songs are made up of other songs and not commercial dialogue. This album also has a lo-fi aspect to it. The final track has a really unique treatment of the samples and is an excellent closer. If you enjoy vaporwave and/or concept albums definitely check it out~!

Listen and download this awesome album for free here

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